Page 9 - Our 2015 Spring Catalog
P. 9
everyone is talking about it.

(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art + Math)

The Extraordinaires Design Studio Deluxe Invent it!
Draw it!
A Wizard needs a place to sleep. A Ninja needs a music player. Just a few of Present it!
the 225+ combination challenges in this magnificent studio. Three levels of
play awakens creativity, problem solving and obstacle crushing. Alone or
with collaborators, players observe, think, question, and tweak their designs

– then present them. Quite a different activity for siblings, friends and parents.

Ages 8 yrs-teen • #EXT1US01 • $39.99

Grow N’ Glow Terrarium

What could be more magical than a glow-in-the-
dark garden in a jar. With potting mix, organic
seeds, river stone and decorative sand, kids can
create their own little habitat in a 5"-high jar
with decorative lid. Place the bunny and
mushroom figurines inside, decorate the
outside with the glow stickers, tend to the
garden with the plant mister, then watch in
awe as things grow!
Ages 6-10 yrs • #1137 • $15.99

Fstleryxoenitbgle! Joinks

Silly creatures, 3D geometric shapes, molecular models and
wacky structures of any kind – they are all possible with
Joinks! A brilliantly designed, colorful collection of flexible
silicone connectors, wooden sticks and nubby balls create

an exhilarating building experience. Joinks
develop fine motor skills, spatial awareness
and concentration. A total of 76 pieces,
safety tested and kid approved!
Ages 3-12 yrs • #FA1011 • $44.99

CHOKING HAZARD (1). Not for under 3 yrs.

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